Web Open Source Strategy

To succeed as an open source company:

  • Allow people to download, install, and run the code. There is no other way to evaluate software
  • Offer a free version
  • Revenue could be created by offering a more powerful ‘full’ version, by selling specialized modules, allowing removal of a license/copyright notice, support - both technical and end user, training, books and materials.
  • Foster a community with forums, welcome contributions
  • Choose a product carefully. No product can be everything to everyone. Even within the chosen market, be sure you can do an excellent job with your stated mission.
  • Strive to keep hosting requirements simple. A good framework can be a tremendous help
  • Partner with complimentary software toolkits, and integrate them in such a way that they can be reused within a site
  • Provide a modular, extensible architecture so the application can be customized
  • Separate the application and design, and allow multiple views into the application. Thus, web, modile, and applications can perform the same functions without application changes.
  • Provide a robust documentation structure, online. Allow contributions from the community
  • Present successful implementations of your software (links to sites), so people can see what it can do.
  • Provide good upgrade mechanisms
  • Connect with commonly used applications, such as OpenOffice and Microsoft products
  • Offer a loose partnership program to help people find companies which support your product, but avoid complex agreements and fees.