Archives for: "July 2008"

Share your code

If you built an interface to a commercial system - the interface code should be considered a marketable commodity and can be shared. First - be sure you own it. If you built it under contract for a client, the agreement with the client should state… more »

Choosing javascript Libraries and Toolkits

If you want to add sophisticated client side functionality to a site, and are considering a javascript library like jQuery, dojo,, etc, remember: Powerful tooks often add significant overhead. It isn't worth using a library to suppor… more »

Don't build a social network ...

The market for social networks is saturated, and it is not a sustainable, profitable business model. Most people don't want to pay for access, and most people don't click on ads. If you see the Internet as a way to engage new customers, find innovati… more »

Free web pages ... know your ISP ...

Many people would like to put up simple web pages but are not quite sure where to start. Start with your ISP. Many ISP's include web space as part of their service agreement. It is usually supported with tools that make it easy to post materials on… more »

Reduce your 'net print

Bandwidth reduction will soon be a priority. The proliferation of RIAs exponentially increases the bandwidth requirements of initial page loads, while potentially reducing that of subsequent requests. Use public CDNs - both to access and distribute… more »
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