Archives for: "October 2008"

Log ALL Errors

Graceful error trapping and display is important, both during development and after deployment. It is also good to have debug control that is manageable through environment variables. One nice solution is to use SetEnv in .htaccess or a .conf file.… more »

Fast Page Added

This is a faster version of There are no demo connections, and the interface is simpler. The remainder of the code is the same. more »

Interpretive File Architectures - PHP & Perl

If you are developing code for interpretive languages such as PHP & Perl, consider the use of the scripts carefully. As a rule, you should strive to write code which evaluates only the code required for execution. Files should be as small as poss… more »

Dare to push the envelope ...

In today's economic climate, traditional design, code, integrate with applications will become too costly. The companies that will be most successful will identify opportunities to reduce the cost of labor for mechanical tasks like applying colors to… more » - Translator from Drupal .info to RPM .spec files

This is a very simple translation of a Drupal .info file into an RPM .spec file. It may be useful in identifying methods to assemble complex Drupal installations on dedicated servers or VPSs where the modules can be managed as RPMs. This would not be u… more »
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