HTML Checker

The link above scans a web page for common issues.

It is not a validator.

It allows you to very quickly identify the following:

  • Use of deprecated HTML tags. This indicates the code on the page is either old or written by someone who is not up-to-date with their web skills
  • Use of tables. Tables should only be used if there is tabular data displayed, or if the data really requires it. If you don’t see anything on the page that looks like it needs a table, the person that coded the page may not have a good understanding of divs and CSS layouts.
  • Font style tags. CSS is far more powerful and most cost-effective to maintain for enhancing text.
  • Use of deprecated HTML attributes. As with font style tags, these should be replaced with CSS equivalents.
  • Use of inline style attributes. These may make a page very expensive to maintain.

Where possible, a link to a reference is given to help readers understand why the issue was reported.

This isn’t a comprehensive report, it can be used as a quick check for a page, to help you decide if you would like to examine the code further. The page may validate, but valid code doesn’t ensure a quality page that is cost-effective to maintain.

The URL scanned is not stored, the page content/text is not stored.