Archives for: "April 2009"

Gradient Generator Notes

Value The value of this utility is in its simplicity. Image, photo, and graphical editors are very action-intensive. This tool allows a selection of a single color, the width/height, and then it creates all four gradients. This is a very fast way t… more »

Optional Parameters - Extending Existing Functions

Both PHP and javascript allow optional parameters and variable arguments. PHP func_get_args() - allows you to get the arguments for a function. Great if you need a variable number of arguments, perhaps for something like sprintf. http://us3.php… more »

Multi-Dimensional Array Sorts for PHP

To sort a multi-dimensional array in PHP, you can use usort, like so: usort($aArray,"cmp_func"); function cmp_func($a,$b) { return strcasecmp($a['x'],$b['x']); } more »
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