Generic Class Wrapper

The objective of this wrapper is to provide a streamlined interface to data stored in a database.


  • Object properties are stored in an array. This makes managing them must easier. Upon instantiation, the array is loaded with empty strings.
  • Magic methods are used to set and return properties.
  • The properties have a one-to-one, exact mapping to the underlying database.
  • A generic object exists beneath the specific object. It accepts a table name, identifier column name, and an array of values.


/*mysql> show full columns from items;
| Field   | Type             | Collation       | Null | Key | Default | Extra          | Privileges                      | Comment |
| item_id | int(10) unsigned | NULL            |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references |         |
| name    | varchar(64)      | utf8_unicode_ci |      |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| url     | varchar(128)     | utf8_unicode_ci |      | MUL |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
| text    | text             | utf8_unicode_ci |      |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |         |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

require_once 'obj.class.php';
Class Item Extends Obj
        private $aData;

        public function __construct()

        public function __set($name, $value)
                $this->aData[$name] = $value;

        public function __get($name)
                if (array_key_exists($name, $this->aData))
                        return $this->aData[$name];

        public function load($id)

        public function save()
                return parent::save('items','item_id',$this->aData);



require_once 'db.class.php';

Class Obj
        private $db;

        public function __construct()

        protected function load($sTable,$sIdName,$sId)
                $sQuery='SELECT * FROM `'.$sTable.'` WHERE `'.$sIdName.'`=\''.$this->db->SQLescape($sId).'\'';
                return $aResult;

        protected function save($sTable,$sIdName,$aArgs)
                $sWhere=' WHERE `'.$sIdName.'`=\''.$this->db->SQLescape($aArgs[$sIdName]).'\'';
                $sQuery='SELECT * FROM `'.$sTable.'`'.$sWhere;
                if ($this->db->num_rows()>0)
                        $sQuery='UPDATE `'.$sTable.'` SET '.$sSet.$sWhere;
                        $sQuery='INSERT INTO `'.$sTable.'` SET '.$sSet;
                return $this->db->query($sQuery);

        protected function remove($sTable,$sIdName,$sId)
                $sQuery='DELETE FROM `'.$sTable.'` WHERE `'.$sIdName.'`=\''.$this->db->SQLescape($sId).'\'';
                return $this->db->query($sQuery);

        public function __destruct()

A search function will be added.


Class Database
        private static $instance;

        private $rLink;
        private $db;
        private $ini;
        private $rResult;

        public function __construct()
                $this->ini = parse_ini_file('config.ini.php','true');
                $this->rLink = mysql_connect
                if ($this->rLink === false)
                $this->db = mysql_select_db ($this->ini['db']['database'],$this->rLink);
                if ($this->db === false)
                return true;

        public static function singleton()
                if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
                        $c = __CLASS__;
                        self::$instance = new $c;
                return self::$instance;

        public function SQLescape($s)
                return mysql_real_escape_string($s,$this->rLink);

        public function host_information()
                return mysql_get_host_info($this->rLink);

        public function query($sQuery)
                if ($this->rResult === false)
                return $this->rResult;

        public function fetch_assoc()
                return mysql_fetch_assoc($this->rResult);

        public function sPair($aPair)
                foreach ($aPair as $k => $v)
                        $sReturn .= "`$k`='".$this->SQLescape($v).'\', ';
                return $sReturn;

        public function sWhere($aWhere)
                foreach ($aWhere as $k => $v)
                        $sReturn .= " `$k`='".$this->SQLescape($v).'\' AND ';
                return substr($sReturn,0,-4);

        public function sRegExp($aRegExp)
                foreach ($aRegExp as $k => $v)
                        $sReturn .= " `$k` REGEXP '".$this->SQLescape($v).'\' AND ';
                return substr($sReturn,0,-4);

        public function num_rows()
                return mysql_num_rows($this->rResult);

        public function free_result()

        public function __destruct()
                if (isset($this->rLink))
                        if ($this->rLink !== false)

        public function __clone()
                trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);
