Archives for: "May 2010"

Web Pages for Mobile Devices/Browsers (and Desktop/Laptop)

Strategies I used to make a simple web application adapt for both desktop/laptop and mobile browsers: Read Key elements - keep the page simple, don't assume you'll have CSS, don't assume you'll have scripting or… more »

ImageMagick - Reduce opacity of image

This reduces the opacity of the logo to 10%. convert logo.png +flatten -alpha on -channel A -evaluate set 10% +channel opac.png more »

Updating Firefox 3.0.18 to 3.6.4 on CentOS 5

Last night, Google refused my search requests, claiming that something was making too many requests. Since it was late, I shut off the laptop. This morning, I Googled for information and found,… more »

Multiple dojox grids on a single page

I've been working on a page that allows an administrator to configure mobile device reimbursement expenses.  The page offers three types of expenses (voice, messages, and data), and five different reimbursement options for each (no reimbursement, flat ra… more »