PHP Base Class Implementation with Iterator

This is a class definition for a base class which can be extended.


  • Attributes are defined dynamically
  • Iteration is implemented, to allow the use of foreach
  • Attribute validation is included
  • Uses array_fill_keys if it is available, otherwise gracefully degrades to use a foreach loop
  • Allows attribute assignment with an associative array

Base Class Definition

require_once 'include/common.php';

class Base Implements Iterator
        /**      Location for overloaded data.  */
        protected $data = array();

        public function __construct($attribute_names=null,$attribute_values=null)
                if ($attribute_names!==null)
                        if (function_exists(array_fill_keys))
                                foreach ($attribute_names as $v)
                        if ($attribute_values!==null)
                                foreach ($attribute_values as $k => $v)
                        if (get_class($this)!=='Base')
                                halt(FAIL_CLASS_HAS_NO_ATTRIBUTES,get_class($this).' class has no attributes');

        public function __set($name,$value)
                if (array_key_exists($name,$this->data))
                        halt(FAIL_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE,get_class($this).' invalid attribute '.$name);

        public function __get($name)
                if (array_key_exists($name,$this->data))
                        return null;

        public function __isset($name)
                return isset($this->data[$name]);
        public function rewind()
                return reset($this->data);

        public function current()
                return current($this->data);

        public function key()
                return key($this->data);

        public function next()
                return next($this->data);

        public function valid()
                return current($this->data)!==false;

        public function __destruct()

Extension Class

class User extends Base
        public function __construct($aArgs=null)

        function __destruct()

Object Instantiation

/* Create a new user, with the userID set to 1 */
$oUser=new User(array('userID'=>1));
foreach ($oUser as $k => $v)
  echo $k.' -> '.$v.PHP_EOL;

This post courtesy of Lyrix, Inc. / Mobiso