Google Maps API - Distance Calculator - PHP Example

This code gets the distance, in miles, between two US Zip codes (04429 and 02135). You can substitute other origins and destinations.

function curl_request($sURL,$sQueryString=null)
        curl_setopt($cURL,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        return $cResponse;

if ($oJSON->status=='OK')

echo 'Distance in Miles: '.$fDistanceInMiles.PHP_EOL;


  • The preg_replace code discards any text, other than the numeric representation of the distance.
  • This was run under PHP 5.2.17, the json_decode function was introduced in version 5.2.0.
  • Be sure to include the sensor input, otherwise, you will get a “REQUEST DENIED”
  • Also be sure to validate and sanitize any inputs as appropriate.

Refer to the link above for additional information.