Web application RPM notes

Key elements of RPM spec files when used with web applications:

  • Source: - source should be the distribution tar file. If it isn’t yours (meaning it is an open source application), it is best to use the original or distribution URL. That way, you are sure it is unaltered
  • Build: - this is really just a copy into a directory
  • Files: - since there really isn’t a build process, you are just identifying the files and where they will go. The command suggestion below can be used to generate the filelist.
  • Provides and requires must be set carefully to make this work well for complex systems

tar -tzf eztagcloud.tgz | grep -v ".*/$" | awk '{ print "\"""%{targetdir}"$0"\""; }'

RPMs for web applications

Web applications are traditionally distributed with tar files, but they can be packaged as RPMs.

A web application in an RPM should have a tar file with the source. The tar file should have the files from the top of the application file tree, to make it easier if the target directory needs to change. The only parts of the .spec file that really need to be defined are the install, which will copy the files from the build root into a target directory, and clean, to delete the files after the RPM is built. Use tar tf to list the files from that tar (don’t list the directories or warnings will be issued for duplicate files). Be sure to encase the filenames in double quotes, write them to a file and then include them into the files section with the -f option. Using the -f option allows all the files for the tar to be specified, automatically, and ensures additional packages can be defined for the same directory with minimal conflicts.

The group for most web applications is Applications/Internet

RPMs can be created to allow the files to be relocated, another excellent approach would be to use symlinks into a single installation on a server, with account level configuration/access and databases.

During development, a script which creates tar files from the modules can be used to support both the RPM packaging, and create quick distribution packages for updates from a version control system.

All image formats supported

Color mapper was updated to allow all image formats.

md5 just-a-test list

The following URLs may have the md5(’just_a_test_code’):


To check if the file is on the server, click on the link. If something similar to:

<?php echo md5("just_a_test"); ?>

is displayed, the file is still there, and the entire server (all accounts) should be checked.

If you own any of these domain names or servers, you should address the issue.

If a 404 (page not found) error is received, the file has been removed.

This blog has additional posts related to the issue, you may use the search feature.

Information derived from server statistics, non-authorative.


An image is worth 1000 pixels

Rich interface applications require careful designs, and should almost always be multi-lingual capable. One of the best ways to achieve this for small page elements is the use of images as labels.


  • Red circle with line through it - means ‘you can’t do this’
  • WYSIWYG labels - are so prevalent most people understand all of them, including links, images, bold, italic, etc.

Page layouts

Many times, a page has more content than can be displayed. Accordian panes and tabs are a great way to make additional content available to the page viewer, without requiring them to scroll or navigate away from the page. dojo

eZ publish integration

Add these .htaccess to easily allow additional applications or files to be added to an eZ publish site. I haven’t tried them with eZ yet - but they work with b2evolution. Be sure to place them carefully. :)

# Redirect anything that's not an existing directory or file to index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f