eZ Publish Feedback Form Template

This template makes a feedback form a little easier to use. It sets up the from and the subject out of the submitted content, and puts the message in as text.

{set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}
{set-block scope=global variable=$email_receiver}{$object.data_map.recipient.content}{/set-block}
{foreach $collection.attributes as $a}
{switch match=$a.contentclass_attribute_name}
{case match='Subject'}
{set-block scope=global variable=$subject}[Website] {$a.content|wash}{/set-block}
{case match='Message'}
{attribute_result_gui view=info attribute=$a}
{case match='Email'}
{set-block scope=global variable=$email_sender}{$a.content|wash}{/set-block}

Be sure to adjust your attribute names if necessary.