Archives for: "September 2011"

dojo 1.1.1 to 1.6.1 Declarative Tag Update Script

This script performs the bulk of the upgrade translation to translate declarative tags from older versions of dojo up to the 2.0 format. The script was written to work with tags in Smarty templates, so it includes a little extra logic to avoid confus… more »

dojo - Distinguishing between onChange events

During an upgrade from dojo 1.1.1 to 1.6.1, I found that dijit.byId('someWidget').set('value','someNewValue'), was causing the onChange event to fire for the input. To prevent onChange from firing when the .set method is used, a third parameter prior… more »

Linux - Using file -i instead of the input accept attribute

The file input allows an accept attribute to indicate what type of file may be submitted. The type is the client's MIME type, which may vary by operating system, installed applications, and end user configuration. A sample set of MIME types used for… more »

dojo 1.6.1 dijit.form.Button example

I’ve been upgrading an RIA from dojo 1.1.1 to dojo 1.6.1, and spent a lot of time trying to find the cause of this error message: t.apply is not a function After many hours, I found it was related to the way the data-dojo-props event handlers we… more »