Archives for: "November 2011"

Zend Framework - Oauth - Get LinkedInContacts

/* Set up the Oauth client */ $oauth = new Zend_Oauth_Client(array( 'consumerKey' => $this->configs->connections->consumerKey, 'consumerSecret' => $this->configs->connections->consum… more »

Zend Framework - Navigation View Helper - Active Style Rules

The objective of these rules are to ensure only the active link is highlighted. The key is the ‘element>element’ selector, which indicates that only a tags which have a parent of will be affected by the rule. CSS#mainNav a{colo… more »

Token Handling - Zend Framework - OAuth 2.0 - Google

Sample code to get a request token from Google through OAuth 2.0. if ($form->getElement('auth_code')->isValid($data['auth_code'])) { $client = new Zend_Http_Client($this->configs->oauth_uri,… more »

Zend Framework 1.11 - Rename Form Elements

Workaround $elements = $this->getElements(); foreach ($elements as $k => $v) { $v->setName($prefix.$k); $this->_elements[$prefix.$k] = $this->_elements[$k];… more »