Archives for: "February 2012"

Some Apache RewriteRules for Improved Security

A set of Apache RewriteRules, including curl commands to test them. Always test the rules, using a browser if possible, and curl. The curl output has been edited to make it easier to read. Remember to write the rules carefully so you don't deny acc… more »

dojo 1.7.1 AMD with Zend Framework 1.11

I have been working on a new web application using Zend Framework 1.11 and Dojo. In order to use the AMD loader of dojo 1.7.1, I modified the Zend_Dojo_View_Helper_Dojo to include a flag indicating whether to use the AMD loader or not, and updated Zend… more »

dojo 1.7.1 AMD Page Example

This is a very simple example of how you can implement a dojo page with AMD. The intended architecture is that the HTML would be used for all pages and the page content and behavior would be modified by the javascript. With that in mind, the 'page' ja… more »