b2evolution - comment forms stalling - version 4+

This is a b2evolution blog. There’s a second blog running from the same installation, and the comment form was stalling on page load, displaying ‘Loading …’ and the icon, but never finishing.

The first action I took was to upgrade the blog. Many times, issues like that are resolved on an upgrade.

Unfortunately, that didn’t solve the problem.

Next, I reviewed the configuration of both blogs through the admin interface, taking care to clear the cache after each change.

Unfortunately this didn’t solve the problem either, so I grepped through the code until I found where the $baseurl is set. It is in these lines in conf/_basic_config.php. Uncommenting these lines solves the problem.


// Use the following if you want to use the current domain:
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) )
{       // This only works if HOSt provided by webserver (i-e DOES NOT WORK IN PHP CLI MODE)
        $baseurl = ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ) ) ?'https://':'http://')