KnpMenu - JSON Renderer to support Dojo Dijit/Tree

I wrote some code that parsed through the default KNP menu HTML and created a Dijit menu. It worked, but it was slow and awkward.

I couldn't find an easy way to get the KNP menu in the JSON form that would work well with Dijit/Tree, so I wrote my own.



namespace AppBundle\Menu;

use Knp\Menu\ItemInterface;
use Knp\Menu\Matcher\MatcherInterface;
use Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface;
use Translator;

class JsonRenderer implements RendererInterface

     * @var \Twig_Environment
    private $environment;
    private $matcher;
    private $defaultOptions;

     * @param \Twig_Environment $environment
     * @param string            $template
     * @param MatcherInterface  $matcher
     * @param array             $defaultOptions
    public function __construct( \Twig_Environment $environment, $template, MatcherInterface $matcher, array $defaultOptions = array() )
        $this->environment = $environment;
        $this->matcher = $matcher;
        $this->defaultOptions = array_merge( array(
            'depth' => null,
            'matchingDepth' => null,
            'currentAsLink' => true,
            'currentClass' => 'current',
            'ancestorClass' => 'current_ancestor',
            'firstClass' => 'first',
            'lastClass' => 'last',
            'template' => $template,
            'compressed' => false,
            'allow_safe_labels' => false,
            'clear_matcher' => true,
            'leaf_class' => null,
            'branch_class' => null
                ), $defaultOptions );

    public function render( ItemInterface $item, array $options = array() )
        $options = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $options );
        $translator = $options['translator'];

        $itemIterator = new \Knp\Menu\Iterator\RecursiveItemIterator( $item );

        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( $itemIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST );
        $items = [];
        foreach( $iterator as $item )
            $translatedLabel = $translator->trans($item->getLabel());
            $id = $item->getName();
            $parentId = $item->getParent()->getName();
            $itemData = [ 'id' => strtolower( $item->getName() ), 'name' => $translatedLabel, 'uri' => $item->getUri()];
            if ($parentId !== $id) {
                $itemData['parent'] =strtolower($parentId);
            $itemData['has_children'] = $item->hasChildren();
            $items[] = $itemData;
        $lastItem = count( $items ) - 1;
        $items[$lastItem]['lastItem'] = true;

        $html = $this->environment->render( $options['template'], array('items' => $items, 'options' => $options, 'matcher' => $this->matcher) );

        if( $options['clear_matcher'] )
        return $html;


Added JsonRenderer as a service in services.yml

        # The class implements Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface
        class: AppBundle\Menu\JsonRenderer
        arguments: [ "@twig",  "knp_menu.html.twig", "@knp_menu.matcher", {"translator": "@translator" }]
            # The alias is what is used to retrieve the menu
            - { name: knp_menu.renderer, alias: json }

I used a twig template (knp_menu.html.twig) to output the JSON, perhaps in the future I will update it to deliver it as a .js file.

var menuTreeStoreData = [{% for item in items%}{{item|json_encode()|raw}}{% if item.lastItem is not defined %},{%endif%}{% endfor %}];

The layout template calls the renderer with this line:

{{ knp_menu_render('admin',{'template': 'admin/parts/knp_menu.html.twig'}, 'json') }}

Finally, this is menu.js which uses the menu data produced by JsonRenderer to create a nice tree for a menu. You could use a different menu approach. I kind of like the tree for now.

], function (dom,
        Memory, ObjectStoreModel, Tree) {
//"use strict";
    function run() {
        var store = new Memory({data: menuTreeStoreData
            getChildren: function (object) {
                return this.query({parent:});
        var model = new ObjectStoreModel({
            store: store,
            query: {id: 'admin'}
        // Create the Tree.
        var tree = new Tree({
            id: "admin-menu",
            model: model,
            persist: true,
            onClick: function (item) {
                if( typeof item.uri !== "undefined" && item.uri !== null ) {
                    location.href = item.uri;
            getIconClass: function (item, opened) {
                return (item && item.has_children) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf"
    return {
        run: run