Web Development/Engineering

Great resources:

Mozilla/Firefox - plugins Firebug, CSSmate/CSSedit, YSlow
XAMPP - http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html

LAMP Engineer

LAMP = Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP(or Perl,Python)

A good LAMP engineer can use the whole stack to build graceful, cost-effective solutions. It is the synergy of the stack, with a good knowledge of each layer, that makes this skill set valuable.


* Use a link to allow different paths to the same file. That way - a file that is used to deliver more than one page can be maintained from a single point.

* Use Apache rewrite rules, with a PHP/MySQL application to make a small amount of code deliver what appears to be a very large site.

* Choose the best solution, either using PHP system/exec calls or bash scripts to use operating system commands. No sense reinventing the wheel.

* Use PHP5 exception handling, combined with the Apache error log to track errors, or display them on pages gracefully.

* Enjoy the vast collection of excellent open source software available to push the limits

Bill Gates Last Day

Best wishes, Mr. Gates!!!

Frames and IFrames

Using frames and iframes to support web 3.0 pages is a great way to simplify the architecture, and avoid the complexity of AJAX. It also makes implementation of a CDN easier.

There are many ways to provide graceful search engine indexing of the pages - using Google’s site maps, Apache rewrite rules, and other creative approaches. Imagine the rich pages you could build, easily. Augment it with sophisticated browser caching and you can greatly speed the pages and reduce bandwidth requirements.

This also supports the idea of micro pages mentioned earlier.



LAMP is all about layers. Passing data from a database up to a client. Each layer is responsible for translating the data from its source, to be ready for its destination.

Thus, if the database architecture is less than ideal, it should be masked by the PHP - so the javascript and HTML are not affected. That way, when improvements are made, the upper layers still work.

This is similar to the ISO model. Or is that OSI? The 7 layers (which may not be correct).


You may say Linux and Apache are layers 1-3
PHP could be layers 4-6
MySQL could be layers 2 and 3
HTML/javascript could be layer 7