Web application session timeout code

Session timeout warning for a web application with a variety of page layouts and frequent use of multiple tabs.

Nutshell explanation - ping the server, if you get a 403, show a huge red bar across the top of whatever page pinged.


  • It is immediately apparent the tab has timed out
  • If one tab times out, it does not disrupt the others
  • There is a link to help the user log in again

function sessionPing() {
    var pinger;
    function doPing() {
        var pReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
        pReq.addEventListener("load", function () {
            var sessionExpired, sessionExpiredMessage;
            var reloadLink;
            if (this.status === 403) {
                sessionExpired = document.createElement("div");
                // Sometimes an inline style is really the best solution
                sessionExpired.setAttribute("style","display:block; width: 100%; line-height: 2.5em; position:absolute; top:0; z-index:10000; text-align: center; background-color: #f00; color: #fff; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS',sans; font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic");
                sessionExpiredMessage = document.createTextNode("Session expired ");
                reloadLink = document.createElement("a");
                reloadLink.href = location.href;
                reloadLink.textContent = "Click to Continue";
                document.body.insertBefore(sessionExpired, document.body.firstChild);
                document.title = "Session expired";
        pReq.open("GET", "/ping.php");
    pinger = setInterval(doPing, 30000);

if (empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
header('HTTP/1.1 201 No content');

One may argue that the page should be cleared, in this case, I chose to leave it up so people can copy the content off.

Confession: I didn't test this code, it is an extract.

This post courtesy of Game Creek Video

Symfony 3 Ajax (EntityType) CollectionType

Objective: Create an efficient way to use a Symfony CollectionType of Entities. I wanted to be able to provide a Dijit FilteringSelect (autocomplete) for a collection of entities.

Issues: Using a CollectionType of EntityTypes loaded all the entities into a selection statement. This is fine if there are only a few entities, but not if there are hundreds. Also, model transformers cannot be used with CollectionTypes.

Solution: Create a custom FieldType and apply a model transformer.

The custom field type is based off a TextType, which allows the id of the entity to be passed as text, then transformed by the transformer. Transformers are described here.

The Dijit FilteringSelect only needs an id to serve as an anchor within the page layout. One may argue it could all be dynamic, but I like to use the HTML as a foundation. A text input is used as the base element which is replaced by the Dijit widget. The widget is created and populated with the data from a store.


namespace AppBundle\Form\Admin\Asset\Type;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use AppBundle\Form\Admin\Asset\DataTransformer\ModelToIdTransformer;

class ModelRelationshipType extends AbstractType

    private $modelToIdTransformer;

    public function __construct( ModelToIdTransformer $modelToIdTransformer )
        $this->modelToIdTransformer = $modelToIdTransformer;

     * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
     * @param array $options
    public function buildForm( FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options )

                ->addModelTransformer( $this->modelToIdTransformer );

    public function configureOptions( OptionsResolver $resolver )
        // Stub

    public function getParent()
        return TextType::class;


The new custom field type was then added as a service, with the transformer injected in:

        class: AppBundle\Form\Admin\Asset\Type\ModelRelationshipType
        arguments: ['@app.form.data_transformer.model']
            - { name: form.type, alias: 'app_model_relationship_type' }

The Twig template code to display each row of the collection uses a macro, because there are four of these fields.

{% block _model_extends_entry_row %}
{% import 'form/macros.html.twig' as form_macros %}
{{ form_macros.model_relationship_entry_row('requires',form) }}
{% endblock %}

{%macro relation(title,type,form) %}{%spaceless%}
        <div id="{{type}}" class="{{type}}">
            {% if form.vars.allow_add %}
                <div data-type="{{type}}" class="add-one-more-row">{{ 'common.add_one_more'|trans}}
            {% endif %}
{%endspaceless%}{%endmacro %}

To use the new field type in the form, you add the CollectionType, and the entry_type is ModelRelationshipType.

->add( 'requires', CollectionType::class, [
                    'entry_type' => ModelRelationshipType::class,
                    'required' => false,
                    'label' => false,
                    'empty_data' => null,
                    'allow_add' => true,
                    'allow_delete' => true,
                    'delete_empty' => true
                ] )

KnpMenu - JSON Renderer to support Dojo Dijit/Tree - Ajax

This is a modified version of the earlier post which created a static JSON representation of a menu.

What makes it different is that the earlier version rendered the items from the MenuBuilder into a static JSON object that was embedded in a page with a script tag. This approach removes the script tag (and the unnecessary twig template elements) and switches to a more graceful and efficient lazy loading menu.

The menu renderer is organizing the menu into the JSON format used by a Dijit Tree. This is set up for lazy loading, so it it only delivering the items in the assets tree. Items with URLs are pages, which you may click on to view the page, or expand to load more of the menu. These elements are defined in the menu builder (which isn't included in this post).

Dijit/Tree JSON

  "id": "admin-assets",
  "name": "Assets",
  "uri": null,
  "has_children": true,
  "parent": "admin",
  "children": [
      "id": "equipment",
      "name": "Equipment",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/equipment",
      "has_children": false,
      "parent": "admin-assets"
      "id": "issues",
      "name": "Issues",
      "uri": "\/admin\/issue\/issue",
      "has_children": false,
      "parent": "admin-assets"
      "id": "manufacturers",
      "name": "Manufacturers",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/manufacturer",
      "has_children": true,
      "parent": "admin-assets"
      "id": "trailers",
      "name": "Trailers",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/trailer",
      "has_children": true,
      "parent": "admin-assets"
      "id": "vendors",
      "name": "Vendors",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/vendor",
      "has_children": true,
      "parent": "admin-assets"
      "id": "configuration",
      "name": "Configuration",
      "uri": null,
      "has_children": true,
      "parent": "admin-assets"

Content Menu Options

The content menu options allow the user to navigate directly to content they have created in the system. In this case, it is manufacturers. As above, if a URL is provided, the user may go to the page indicated by the uri attribute, or expand the menu item to view the children. The children under a manufacturer menu item are brands.

The URL is /api/menustore/adminmenus/manufacturers.

  "children": [
      "id": "manufacturer-14",
      "name": "Pelican",
      "parent": "manufacturer",
      "has_children": "1",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/manufacturer?name=Pelican"
      "id": "manufacturer-2",
      "name": "Shed",
      "parent": "manufacturer",
      "has_children": "0",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/manufacturer?name=Shed"
      "id": "manufacturer-1",
      "name": "Barn",
      "parent": "manufacturer",
      "has_children": "1",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/manufacturer?name=Barn"

Lazy loaded element

The content menu for the manufacturer named Barn follows. This leaf of the tree doesn't have any children. Clicking on it will take the user to the URL in the uri attribute.

The URL is /api/menustore/adminmenus/manufacturer-1

  "children": [
      "id": 12,
      "name": "Barn",
      "parent": "manufacturer-1",
      "uri": "\/admin\/asset\/manufacturer\/Barn\/brand\/Barn",
      "has_children": false,
      "children": null

This can be read as the manufacturer's name is Barn and they have one brand, Barn. If you click on the brand Barn under the manufacturer Barn, you will go to a page to manage the brand Barn.

The render code which returns the menu rendered ready for a Dijit/Tree. Reference.

    public function render( ItemInterface $item, array $options = array() )
        $options = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $options );
        $translator = $options['translator'];

        $itemIterator = new \Knp\Menu\Iterator\RecursiveItemIterator( $item );

        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( $itemIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST );

        $items = [];
        foreach( $iterator as $item )
            $translatedLabel = $translator->trans($item->getLabel());
            $id = $item->getName();  
            $itemData = [ 'id' => strtolower( $item->getName() ), 'name' => $translatedLabel, 'uri' => $item->getUri()];
            $itemData['has_children'] = $item->hasChildren();
            $parentId = $item->getParent()->getName();
            if ($parentId !== $id) {
                $itemData['parent'] = strtolower($parentId);
                if (!isset($items[$parentId]['children'])) {
                    $items[$parentId]['children'] = [];
                $items[$parentId]['children'][] = $itemData;
            if (isset($items[$id])) {
                $items[$id] = array_merge($itemData, $items[$id]);
            } else {
                $items[$id] = $itemData;
        return $items;

The menu builder and renderer are defined as services.

        class: AppBundle\Menu\MenuBuilder
        arguments: ["@knp_menu.factory"]
            - [setContainer, ["@service_container"]]
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: createAdminMenu, alias: admin }
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: createCalendarMenu, alias: calendar }
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: createMainMenu, alias: main }
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: createUserMenu, alias: user }
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: createVendorMenu, alias: vendor }

        # The class implements Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface
        class: AppBundle\Menu\JsonRenderer
        arguments: [ "@twig",  "knp_menu.html.twig", "@knp_menu.matcher", {"translator": "@translator" }]
            # The alias is what is used to retrieve the menu
            - { name: knp_menu.renderer, alias: json }

The static routing is as follows (this is output from

php bin/console debug:route

r) :

app_admin_api_menu_store_get_adminmenu GET ANY ANY /api/menustore/adminmenus
app_admin_api_menu_store_get_adminmenu_alt GET ANY ANY /api/menustore/adminmenus/
app_admin_api_menu_store_get_adminmenu_parent GET ANY ANY /api/menustore/adminmenus/?parent={parent}
app_admin_api_menu_store_get_adminmenu_id GET ANY ANY /api/menustore/adminmenus/{id}

The code which delivers the admin menu follows.

This code is delivering the static menu elements, those defined in the MenuBuilder, using the JsonRenderer listed above.

They provide references which allow the menu to lazy load additional content.

The JSON listed above is from, /api/menustore/adminmenus/admin-assets.

Menu elements for content, are listed first by the name of the content type (trailers) and allow loading of the contents of the

app_admin_api_store_get_trailer GET ANY ANY /api/store/trailer
app_admin_api_store_get_trailercontents GET ANY ANY /api/store/trailercontents/{id}

     * @View()
     * @Get("/adminmenus")
     * @Get("/adminmenus/", name="_alt")
     * @Get("/adminmenus/?parent={parent}", name="_parent", defaults={"parent" = "admin"})
     * @Get("/adminmenus/{id}", name="_id", defaults={"id" = "admin"})
    public function getAdminmenuAction( Request $request )
        $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted( 'ROLE_ADMIN', null, 'Unable to access this page!' );
        $adminMenu = $this->get( 'app.menu_builder' )->createAdminMenu( [] );
        $renderer = $this->get( 'app.menu_renderer' );
        $menu = [];
        $id = $request->get( 'id' );
        if( $id !== null )
            // This renders URLs without an id
            if( !in_array( $id, $this->entityMenus ) && preg_match( '/\-\d+$/', $id ) === 0 )
                $menu = $renderer->render( $adminMenu, ['depth' => 1] );
                $menu = $menu[$id];
                // This renders dynamic menu elements - the dynamicId would be manufacturer for this blog post
                $dynamicId = trim( ucfirst( preg_replace( '/^([a-z]+).*$/', '$1', $id ) ), 's' );
                $menuMethod = 'get' . $dynamicId . 'Menu';
                if( method_exists( $this, $menuMethod ) )
                    $menu = $this->{$menuMethod}( $adminMenu, $renderer, $id );
        $parent = $request->get( 'parent' );
        if( $parent !== null )
            foreach( $adminMenu as $name => $children )
                if( $name === $parent )
                    $menu['id'] = $parent;
                    $menu['name'] = $name;
                    $menu['children'] = $renderer->render( $children, ['depth' => 1], 'json' );

        if( isset( $menu['children'] ) )
            foreach( $menu['children'] as $c => $child )
                if( in_array( $child['id'], $this->entityMenus ) )
                    $menu['children'][$c]['has_children'] = true;
        return $menu;

This code handles the lazy loading. The id may be manufacturers or manufacturer-id. If it is the former, a list of the manufacturers will be returned, the later will return all the brands for a manufacturer. If the system is likely to have a large number of manufacturers or sub items, you should add another layer to organize the elements by the first letter of their name - so you can click on A to see all the manufacturers whose name starts with A.

    function getManufacturerMenu( $adminMenu, $renderer, $id )
        $limit = 2500; // TODO: Change to deliver first letters if there are too many manufacturers
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        $base = explode( '-', $id );
        switch( $base[0] )
            case 'manufacturers':
                $queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
                        ->select( ["CONCAT('manufacturer-',m.id) AS id", 'm.name', "'manufacturer' AS parent", 'COUNT(b.id) AS has_children'] )
                        ->from( 'AppBundle\Entity\Asset\Manufacturer', 'm' )
                        ->leftJoin( 'm.brands', 'b' )
                        ->orderBy( 'm.name' )
                        ->groupBy( 'm.id' )
                        ->setFirstResult( 0 )
                        ->setMaxResults( $limit );
                $menu = $renderer->render( $adminMenu['admin']['admin-assets']['manufacturers'] );
                $children = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
                $l = count( $children );
                if( $l < $limit )
                    for( $i = 0; $i < $l; $i++ )
                        $children[$i]['uri'] = $this->generateUrl(
                                'app_admin_asset_manufacturer_index', ['name' => $children[$i]['name']], true ); // absolute
                $menu['children'] = $children;
            case 'manufacturer':
                $manufacturer = $em->getRepository( 'AppBundle\Entity\Asset\Manufacturer' )->find( $base[1] );
                $brands = $manufacturer->getBrands();
                $children = [];
                foreach( $brands as $b )
                    $children[] = [
                        'id' => $b->getId(),
                        'name' => $b->getName(),
                        'parent' => $id,
                        'uri' => $this->generateUrl(
                                'app_admin_asset_manufacturer_getmanufacturerbrand', ['mname' => $manufacturer->getName(), 'bname' => $b->getName()], true ), // absolute
                        'has_children' => false,
                        'children' => null];
                $menu['children'] = $children;
        return $menu;

The (Dojo) client side code:

], function (dom,
        Memory, ObjectStoreModel, JsonRest, Tree) {
//"use strict";
    function run() {

        var store = new JsonRest({
            target: "/api/menustore/adminmenus/",
            getChildren: function (object) {
                return this.get(object.id).then(function (fullObject) {
                    return fullObject.children;

        var model = new ObjectStoreModel({
            store: store,
            mayHaveChildren: function (object) {
                return object.has_children;
            }, getRoot: function (onItem) {
        // Create the Tree.
        var tree = new Tree({
            id: "admin-menu",
            model: model,
            persist: true,
            onClick: function (item) {
                if( typeof item.uri !== "undefined" && item.uri !== null ) {
                    location.href = item.uri;
            getIconClass: function (item, opened) {
                return (item && item.has_children) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf"
    return {
        run: run
//# sourceURL=menu.js

KnpMenu - JSON Renderer to support Dojo Dijit/Tree

I wrote some code that parsed through the default KNP menu HTML and created a Dijit menu. It worked, but it was slow and awkward.

I couldn't find an easy way to get the KNP menu in the JSON form that would work well with Dijit/Tree, so I wrote my own.



namespace AppBundle\Menu;

use Knp\Menu\ItemInterface;
use Knp\Menu\Matcher\MatcherInterface;
use Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface;
use Translator;

class JsonRenderer implements RendererInterface

     * @var \Twig_Environment
    private $environment;
    private $matcher;
    private $defaultOptions;

     * @param \Twig_Environment $environment
     * @param string            $template
     * @param MatcherInterface  $matcher
     * @param array             $defaultOptions
    public function __construct( \Twig_Environment $environment, $template, MatcherInterface $matcher, array $defaultOptions = array() )
        $this->environment = $environment;
        $this->matcher = $matcher;
        $this->defaultOptions = array_merge( array(
            'depth' => null,
            'matchingDepth' => null,
            'currentAsLink' => true,
            'currentClass' => 'current',
            'ancestorClass' => 'current_ancestor',
            'firstClass' => 'first',
            'lastClass' => 'last',
            'template' => $template,
            'compressed' => false,
            'allow_safe_labels' => false,
            'clear_matcher' => true,
            'leaf_class' => null,
            'branch_class' => null
                ), $defaultOptions );

    public function render( ItemInterface $item, array $options = array() )
        $options = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $options );
        $translator = $options['translator'];

        $itemIterator = new \Knp\Menu\Iterator\RecursiveItemIterator( $item );

        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( $itemIterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST );
        $items = [];
        foreach( $iterator as $item )
            $translatedLabel = $translator->trans($item->getLabel());
            $id = $item->getName();
            $parentId = $item->getParent()->getName();
            $itemData = [ 'id' => strtolower( $item->getName() ), 'name' => $translatedLabel, 'uri' => $item->getUri()];
            if ($parentId !== $id) {
                $itemData['parent'] =strtolower($parentId);
            $itemData['has_children'] = $item->hasChildren();
            $items[] = $itemData;
        $lastItem = count( $items ) - 1;
        $items[$lastItem]['lastItem'] = true;

        $html = $this->environment->render( $options['template'], array('items' => $items, 'options' => $options, 'matcher' => $this->matcher) );

        if( $options['clear_matcher'] )
        return $html;


Added JsonRenderer as a service in services.yml

        # The class implements Knp\Menu\Renderer\RendererInterface
        class: AppBundle\Menu\JsonRenderer
        arguments: [ "@twig",  "knp_menu.html.twig", "@knp_menu.matcher", {"translator": "@translator" }]
            # The alias is what is used to retrieve the menu
            - { name: knp_menu.renderer, alias: json }

I used a twig template (knp_menu.html.twig) to output the JSON, perhaps in the future I will update it to deliver it as a .js file.

var menuTreeStoreData = [{% for item in items%}{{item|json_encode()|raw}}{% if item.lastItem is not defined %},{%endif%}{% endfor %}];

The layout template calls the renderer with this line:

{{ knp_menu_render('admin',{'template': 'admin/parts/knp_menu.html.twig'}, 'json') }}

Finally, this is menu.js which uses the menu data produced by JsonRenderer to create a nice tree for a menu. You could use a different menu approach. I kind of like the tree for now.

], function (dom,
        Memory, ObjectStoreModel, Tree) {
//"use strict";
    function run() {
        var store = new Memory({data: menuTreeStoreData
            getChildren: function (object) {
                return this.query({parent: object.id});
        var model = new ObjectStoreModel({
            store: store,
            query: {id: 'admin'}
        // Create the Tree.
        var tree = new Tree({
            id: "admin-menu",
            model: model,
            persist: true,
            onClick: function (item) {
                if( typeof item.uri !== "undefined" && item.uri !== null ) {
                    location.href = item.uri;
            getIconClass: function (item, opened) {
                return (item && item.has_children) ? (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed") : "dijitLeaf"
    return {
        run: run

Squirrel Mail - Change Password Plugin - Wicked Simple Version

It's a long sad story as to why I set up an email server. Mostly long. Arguably not sad, since it is collecting email.

However, lacking the usual accessories provided by a hosting company and having issued a collection of awful (secure) passwords, it was abundantly clear a password reset mechanism would be required.

This isn't really suitable for password recovery, because it relies on the person being able to log into Squirrel Mail to change their password. If they have already forgotten it - they're toast.

Thus - one must encourage the users to set the password to something they have a chance at typing correctly and maybe remembering.

Please note I'm not implying the users are incapable of handling a password. I issued passwords which would be difficult to type and virtually impossible to remember.

Here's the code ...

define('SM_PATH', '../../');
include_once(SM_PATH . 'include/validate.php');

// Make sure plugin is activated!
global $plugins;
if (!in_array('change_password', $plugins))

global $color;
displayPageHeader($color, 'None');

sqgetGlobalVar('username',   $username,     SQ_SESSION);


$error = $message = null;
$dbConn = pg_connect('dbname=mail user=somebody password=supersecret');
if ($dbConn !== false) {
	if (!empty($_POST['current-password'])) {
		$currentPassword = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9\_\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\+\?\>\<\;\:]/i','',$_POST['current-password']);
		$query = 'SELECT password FROM users WHERE userid = $1';
		$result = pg_query_params($query,[$username]);
		if (pg_affected_rows($result) === 1) {
			$row = pg_fetch_assoc($result);
			$passwordPieces = explode('$',$row['password']);
			$encryptedCheck = '{SHA512-CRYPT}' . crypt($currentPassword, '$6$'.$passwordPieces[2].'$');
			if ($encryptedCheck !== $row['password']) {
				$error = 'Current password mismatch';
		} else {
			$error = 'Current user mismatch';
	if ($error === null && isset($_POST['new-password'],$_POST['confirm-password'])) {
		$newPassword = trim($_POST['new-password']);
		$confirmPassword = trim($_POST['confirm-password']);
		if (strlen($newPassword) < MIN_PASSWORD) {
			$error = 'Password must be at least '.MIN_PASSWORD.' characters';
		} else {
			if ($newPassword !== $confirmPassword) {
				$error = 'Passwords must match';
			} else {
				$checkForUppercase = preg_match('/[A-Z]/',$newPassword);
				$checkForLowercase = preg_match('/[a-z]/',$newPassword);
				$checkForDigit = preg_match('/\d/',$newPassword);
				$checkForSymbol = preg_match('/[\_\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\+\?\>\<\;\:]/',$newPassword);
				if ($checkForUppercase && $checkForLowercase && $checkForDigit && $checkForSymbol) {
					$random = str_shuffle(md5(rand(-1000,1000)));
                                        $encrypted = '{SHA512-CRYPT}' . crypt($newPassword, '$6$'.$random.'$');
					$query = 'UPDATE users SET password = $1 WHERE userid = $2';
					$result = pg_query_params($query,[$encrypted,$username]);
					if (pg_affected_rows($result) === 1) {
						$message = 'Success';
					} else {
						$error = 'Unable to update the password';
				} else {
					$error = 'Password must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit, and one symbol';
} else {
	$error = 'Unable to update the password';

<?php if ($error !== null) : ?>

<?= $error ?>

<?php endif ?> <?php if ($message !== null) : ?>

<?= $message ?>

<?php endif ?>

The rest of the files to make the plugin work and the internationalization are left to you dear reader. This is just the stuff you need to make it work.


The blog code formatter modified my HTML. That's okay - what I'm really sharing is the PHP.