Categories: "Design Engineering"

color mapping - applications / experiments / improvements

The color mapper is still evolving. The biggest change was to key off the ‘#’ character, followed by a digit or hex letter instead of the word ‘color’. This allows all borders and backgrounds to be captured.

Interesting options:

  • Manually type in color codes in the image text area, with the color:#333333 syntax
  • Remove undesired codes from images
  • Edit screen shots to capture only those colors you want to use on the skin

Planned improvements:

  • Continued testing :)
  • Palette chooser, to allow you to pick colors to apply


I’m sure someone else has developed a color mapper, one that is probably much more sophisticated. If it hasn’t already been done, it will be done soon.

Color Mapper - v0.89 - with demo

Skin this blog with colors from your own (.gif) image.


Color Mapper - Version 0.31

The associated link accepts a .gif file and lists the colors, in CSS color syntax, as well as a table to see them.

White (#FFFFFF) is displayed on a black background.

This is the first pass at generating CSS maps from .gifs.

Stay tuned … but loosely.

Instant CSS from a comp ...

Tools that generate color codes from a comp have probably already been developed, but if you don’t have any, or if you enjoy a challenge such as this, you could, theoretically, use the previous command string on a comp to create the CSS for an application.

More to follow …

The link above gets the colors from an image - really nicely.

Great rapid design approach

Using the link above, you can very quickly choose colors for an attractive color scheme and them augment them with images.

Many applications use hierarchical CSS architectures, where common elements have the same CSS and the skin defines or overrides the ‘main’ design colors.

The idea is to use the ColorToy demo to choose the colors, extract the colors it generates, and then run the color mapper.