Archives for: "February 2009" has moved to

The registration for the domain name expired, the credit card number had changed, and the most cost-effective solution is to run this blog as a subdomain. more »

Web Development - Horizontal and Vertical Markets

Horizontal Web sites Intranets ecommerce Live support Social networking / web 2.0 Blogs Flash RSS / aggregation SEO Internet Marketing Vertical… more »

Quick Scan of /etc/httpd/logs/access_log to Identify Visitors

If you don't have web stats running on your server, but you'd like to see who is visiting the pages, the following lines can be used. cut -f1 -d' ' /etc/httpd/logs/access_log* | sort | uniq host IPADDR The first line extracts the requesting I… more »

PHP File Upload Example

This example shows the HTML and PHP to upload a file. Browsers handle the MAX_FILE_SIZE input and accept attribute differently. Some will filter the files offered through the dialog box to only list those identified by the accept attribute. Some w… more »
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