Archives for: "January 2008"

AJAX with care

:no: AJAX/JSON is an extremely cool technology - using javascript to request content from servers for display. There is absolutely know doubt in my mind that it will be an important part of rich user experiences in the future of the web. But - it… more »

The Internet Explained

Tubes [video:youtube:EtOoQFa5ug8] more »

Developing PHP5 code on a PHP4 server, that also has PHP5

.htaccess to run PHP5 on a server that defaults .php to PHP4, when your ultimate target is a PHP5 server. .htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^index.php5$ - [L] RewriteRule ^exec.php$ - [L] RewriteRule ^(.*)\.php5?$… more »

dojo validation

This is a dojo validation loop. Send it an array of input ids (with dojoTypes), and it will ensure they're valid. function checkValid(aValid) { var i,e; for (i=0;i<aValid.length;i++) { e=dojo.byId(a… more »

Ini processing into javascript

<html> <body> <?php $ini_array=parse_ini_file('lxtest/ini/system.ini.php'); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($ini_array); echo '</pre>'; echo '<hr />'; extract ($ini_array); echo 'Database: '.$database.'<br />'; ?&g… more »
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