Archives for: "March 2011"

eZ publish - Disable ezinfo with .htaccess

The ezinfo module exposes the version number and other key information about an eZ publish installation. It can be disabled through the eZ publish settings by adding these lines to override/site.ini.append.php: [SiteAccessRules] Rules[]=access;dis… more »

Adding a jQuery MP3 Player in to eZ publish

I've been wanting to add a cross-browser audio player into a site for a while and I finally found a few minutes to find a solution and apply it.A quick Google found the link above, which includes good demos and examples. Files:http://www.sea… more »

Label with Every Font - ImageMagick

The goal of this adventure was to find the font that looked the best on a Massachusetts license plate, using ImageMagick. I got the list of fonts using -list type fonts. This was run on two servers with different versions of ImageMagick, so there a… more »

Quick Sprite Builder

Sprites allow you to combine many images into a single file, reducing both the number of requests and bandwidth required to deliver pages.I had 51 images, each was about 10K, so the total was about 510K. These images had dimensions of about 250p… more »

XML Fed Form Interface

This is a demonstration of how you can use XML to feed PHP to generate a form. It is helpful when a flexible form interface is needed. This example includes the name of the field, the length, a regex validation string, default value, label for the inpu… more »