dojo - Distinguishing between onChange events

During an upgrade from dojo 1.1.1 to 1.6.1, I found that dijit.byId('someWidget').set('value','someNewValue'), was causing the onChange event to fire for the input.

To prevent onChange from firing when the .set method is used, a third parameter priorityChange is used. Setting priorityChange to false prevents the onChange event from firing.

The updated code is: dijit.byId('someWidget').set('value','someNewValue',false)

A sed command to update the code. In this case the setValue or attr(’value’) calls had already been translated to set:

sed --in-place "s/\.set\ *([\"|']value[\"|']\,\ *\([^\)]*\))/.set('value',\1,false)/g" js/code.js

Linux - Using file -i instead of the input accept attribute

The file input allows an accept attribute to indicate what type of file may be submitted. The type is the client’s MIME type, which may vary by operating system, installed applications, and end user configuration.

A sample set of MIME types used for an accept attribute is:


The browser usually doesn’t enforce the accept attribute.

The MIME type sent from the client is unreliable, since many clients use the file extension to indicate the MIME type for the browser, and that MIME type is sent to the server.

An alternative is to ignore the MIME type, but use the Linux file command to test the file, and use it for validation.

In the example below, there are three identical files of raw audio, with the extension of pdf, raw, and txt. Linux uses the file content to determine the type, rather than the extensions.

[tmp]$ file -i audio.*
audio.pdf: application/octet-stream
audio.raw: application/octet-stream
audio.txt: application/octet-stream

dojo 1.6.1 dijit.form.Button example

I’ve been upgrading an RIA from dojo 1.1.1 to dojo 1.6.1, and spent a lot of time trying to find the cause of this error message:

t.apply is not a function

After many hours, I found it was related to the way the data-dojo-props event handlers were coded.

In the example below, onClick is specified as a function which calls another function.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"
data-dojo-config="isDebug:true, parseOnLoad: true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function go(s)
<script type="text/javascript">
<body class="claro">
<h1>dojo dijit Button test</h1>
<button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" 

PHP <-> Perl Bridge using cURL

Using cURL to submit requests from PHP into Perl allows graceful reuse of code with a system with a robust core of Perl code and a PHP web interface.

The Perl code accepts a module name, sub/function name, and a set of parameters.

It includes the module, then tests for the sub. Then assembles the parameters into a request and calls the Perl code. The code returned may be name value pairs, or PHP, for more complex responses.

This code has been edited for brevity, it is an example, not a ready to use solution.


use strict;
use CGI qw(-compile :cgi);

my $q=CGI->new;

print $q->header('text/plain');

my $m=$q->param('module');
my $s=$q->param('sub');

my $path="$ENV{'APPHOME'}/bin/".$m.".pm";

require $path;

my $ms=$m.'::'.$s;

if (Test($ms))
        my $x='bridge_'.$m.'("'.$s.'",\%{$q->Vars})';
        eval $x;
        exit 0;
        exit 101;
sub Test
        my $sub_name=$_[0];
        return ( defined &{ $sub_name } );

sub bridge_PERL_CODE
        my $r=0;
        my $sub=$_[0];
        my (%parms)=%{$_[1]};

        delete $parms{'module'};
        delete $parms{'sub'};

        SWITCH: for ($sub)
                /^getSystemServices$/ && do
                        my %services;

                        my $status=PERL_CODE::getSystemServices(\%services);

                        # Sample code to generate PHP
                        my ($id,$k,$kk,$s,$t);
                        print '<?php',"\n";
                        for my $k ( keys %services ) 
                                delete $services{$k}{'id'};
                                for $kk ( keys %{$services{$k}} )
                                        $t =~ s/(['"])/\\$1/g;
                                $s=substr $s,0,-1;
                        $s=substr $s,0,-2;

                        print $s,"\n";

                        print '?>';


                        last SWITCH;
                /^getServiceParms$/ && do
                        my $serviceId=$parms{'serviceId'};
                        my %parmValues;

                        my ($status,$msg)=PERL_CODE::getServiceParms($serviceId, \%paramValues);

                        # Sample code to generate name/value pairs
                        my ($k,$v);
                        while (($k, $v) = each(%parmValues))
                             print $k.'='.$v,"\n";
                        print 'status='.$status,"\n";
                        print 'msg='.$msg,"\n";


                        last SWITCH;
                        # Error - Should never get here
                        last SWITCH;
        return $r;

function curl_request($sPost=null,$bHandleAsPHP=false)
        curl_setopt($cURL,CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
        curl_setopt($cURL,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        return handle_response($cResponse,$bHandleAsPHP);

function handle_response($sResponse=null,$bHandleAsPHP=false)
        if (!$bHandleAsPHP)
                if (count($aResponseLines)>0)
                        foreach ($aResponseLines as $k => $v)
                                if ($e!==false)
        return $aResult;

/* Call across the bridge, expecting PHP in response */
function getSystemServices()
        return curl_request('module=PERL_CODE&sub=getSystemServices',true);

Google Maps API - Distance Calculator - PHP Example

This code gets the distance, in miles, between two US Zip codes (04429 and 02135). You can substitute other origins and destinations.

function curl_request($sURL,$sQueryString=null)
        curl_setopt($cURL,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
        return $cResponse;

if ($oJSON->status=='OK')

echo 'Distance in Miles: '.$fDistanceInMiles.PHP_EOL;


  • The preg_replace code discards any text, other than the numeric representation of the distance.
  • This was run under PHP 5.2.17, the json_decode function was introduced in version 5.2.0.
  • Be sure to include the sensor input, otherwise, you will get a “REQUEST DENIED”
  • Also be sure to validate and sanitize any inputs as appropriate.

Refer to the link above for additional information.