Zend Framework 1.11 - Rename Form Elements


In this case, the method accepts the name of the element and applies a prefix.

The code was derived from Zend_Form::removeElement.

private function prefixElement($name)
            $name = (string) $name;
            if (isset($this->_elements[$name])) {
                if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_order)) {
                    $this->_orderUpdated = true;
                } else {
                    foreach ($this->_displayGroups as $group) {
                        if (null !== $group->getElement($name)) {
                return true;

            return false;

dojo 1.6.1 Form.reset()

Code to clear a form without firing the onChange events on the inputs.

 /* frmDijit.reset() */
                        dojo.query('#frmForm input[class^=dijit]').forEach(
                                if ((d=dijit.byId(item.id))!=null)
                                        case 'checkbox':
                                        case 'radio':
                                        case 'hidden':
                                        case 'text': 

dojo 1.1.1 to 1.6.1 Declarative Tag Update Script

This script performs the bulk of the upgrade translation to translate declarative tags from older versions of dojo up to the 1.6 format.

The script was written to work with tags in Smarty templates, so it includes a little extra logic to avoid confusion with Smarty syntax within the tags. If you’re not using Smarty, the script should still run fine, but you will need to change {ldelim} to { and {rdelim} to }.

Example of a simple translation performed by the tool.


<label for="iDisplayMaxOffset">{#max_offset#}</label>
<input type="text" class="medium"
  name="iDisplayMaxOffset" id="iDisplayMaxOffset"
  value="{$iMaxOffset+1}" />

<label for="iDisplayMaxOffset">{#max_offset#}</label>
<input data-dojo-type="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" data-dojo-props="'type':'text','class':'medium','name':'iDisplayMaxOffset','id':'iDisp

Note that the attribute names are enclosed in single quotes. If there is a class attribute, for a custom CSS override, Internet Explorer (version 7, possibly others) requires the class attribute name to be quoted, or it may cause errors.

If a tag is too complex for this tool, it will output text recommending manual review, as well as the original tag, so you can fix any errors. In the translation below, the tool removed some of the message text.

<input type="text"
  name="sText" id="sText"
  promptMessage="{#C_enter#} {#text#}"
  invalidMessage="{#C_invalid#} {#text#}"
  errorMessage="{#C_invalid#} {#text#} {#C_refer_to_documentation#}"
  onChange="setDataChanged()" />
<input data-dojo-type="dijit.form.ValidationTextBox" data-dojo-props="'type':'text','name':'sText','id':'sText','regExp':'{$sExtLngRegExp}','promptMe

This is a command line script, run it with php dojo-tag.php old.file.html







$sUpdatedText=preg_replace_callback('/(<)(\w+) +([^>]*)(\/?>)/im','tags',$sNewText);

echo $sUpdatedText.PHP_EOL;


function requires($aMatches)
        global $aDeprecated,$aDojoRequires;
        if (array_key_exists($sDijit,$aDeprecated))
        if (!in_array($sDijit,$aDojoRequires))
                return 'dojo.require("'.$sDijit.'");';
        return '';

function tags($aMatches)
        global $aDeprecated;
        if (strpos($sText,'dojoType')!==false)

                if (($iLeft=strpos($sAttributeText,'{'))!==false) 
                        if (($iLeft>$iRight) || ($iCountLeft>1) || ($iCountRight>1))

                foreach ($aText[0] as $k => $v)
                        if (stripos($v,'dojoType=')!==false)
                                if ($bDeprecated!==false)
                                if (stripos($v,'jsId=')!==false)
                if (count($aDojoText)>0)
                $sFlag=($bFlagForReview)?'{**** MANUAL REVIEW RECOMMENDED ****}'.PHP_EOL.
                        '{**** '.PHP_EOL.$sText.PHP_EOL.'****}'.PHP_EOL:'';
                $sClose=(strpos($sText,'/>')===false)?'>':' />';
                return $sFlag.$aMatches[1].$aMatches[2].' data-dojo-type='.$sDataDojoType.' '.$sDojoText.$sClose;
                return $sText;

function pair($value,&$bFlagForReview)
        global $aEvents;
        if ($bEvent===false)

        return $sRetVal;

This is a simple tool, it is intended to be run on one file at a time, with the output reviewed carefully.

This script will upgrade most of the javascript, be sure to check the code carefully after it runs.


# dojo 1.1.1 to dojo 1.6.1 javascript upgrade script

if [ $# -lt 1 ]
        echo 'Usage: dojo-js.sh <filename>'

cp $1 $NEW

sed --in-place "/attr([^\,^)]*)/s/attr/get/g" $NEW

# Must run AFTER the line above
sed --in-place "s/attr/set/g" $NEW
sed --in-place "s/\(\.set('value',[^\)]*\))/\1,false)/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/\.setValue\ *( *\([^\)]* *\))/.set('value',\1,false)/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/\.getValue\ *( *\([^\)]* *)\)/.get('value')/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/json-comment-filtered/json/" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/getDescendants\(.*\)$/getChildren\1 \/\/**** MANUAL REVIEW RECOMMENDED/" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/setHref(/set('href',/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/setAttribute/set/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/\.checked\s*\=\s*\(true\|false\)/.set('checked',\1)/g" $NEW
sed --in-place "s/\.checked/.get('checked')/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/getDisplayedValue()/get('displayedValue')/g" $NEW

sed --in-place "s/setLabel(/set('label',/g" $NEW

*** Make a backup before using these tools ***

dojo - Distinguishing between onChange events

During an upgrade from dojo 1.1.1 to 1.6.1, I found that dijit.byId('someWidget').set('value','someNewValue'), was causing the onChange event to fire for the input.

To prevent onChange from firing when the .set method is used, a third parameter priorityChange is used. Setting priorityChange to false prevents the onChange event from firing.

The updated code is: dijit.byId('someWidget').set('value','someNewValue',false)

A sed command to update the code. In this case the setValue or attr(’value’) calls had already been translated to set:

sed --in-place "s/\.set\ *([\"|']value[\"|']\,\ *\([^\)]*\))/.set('value',\1,false)/g" js/code.js

Linux - Using file -i instead of the input accept attribute

The file input allows an accept attribute to indicate what type of file may be submitted. The type is the client’s MIME type, which may vary by operating system, installed applications, and end user configuration.

A sample set of MIME types used for an accept attribute is:


The browser usually doesn’t enforce the accept attribute.

The MIME type sent from the client is unreliable, since many clients use the file extension to indicate the MIME type for the browser, and that MIME type is sent to the server.

An alternative is to ignore the MIME type, but use the Linux file command to test the file, and use it for validation.

In the example below, there are three identical files of raw audio, with the extension of pdf, raw, and txt. Linux uses the file content to determine the type, rather than the extensions.

[tmp]$ file -i audio.*
audio.pdf: application/octet-stream
audio.raw: application/octet-stream
audio.txt: application/octet-stream