Symfony 4 - Multiple DataFixtures files

I recently upgraded a Symfony 3.3 application to Symfony 4

Part of the upgrade was loading the DataFixtures.

Symfony 4 recommends you put all your DataFixtures in a single file. I'll get around to that later. However, due to the way I organized the file system for the project, the Doctrine Fixtures Loader could not find the demo data.

Symfony 4 - Multiple DataFixtures files

To resolve the issue, I created a services_dev.yaml file with the following:

        resource: '../src/DataFixtures/Demo/*'
        tags: [ doctrine.fixture.orm ]

Once I added this file to the development server, the data loaded fine.


iPhone "Incorrect Password" WiFi

If your iPhone is not connecting to your NetGear WNDR4000 WiFi router and the message is "Incorrect password", check the access control settings on the router.

iPhone "Incorrect Password" WiFi

I made a change to the router configuration and managed to enable access control which allowed only one device to log in.


Upgrading from Symfony 3 to 4 - JSON Database Content

My latest adventure has been to upgrade a web application from Symfony 3.3 to 4. All the pages load and I am starting to test execution.

This error came up and I scoured the code for instances of AppBundle

Upgrading from Symfony 3 to 4 - JSON Database Content

Then I checked the database.

One of the attributes is custom_attributes, which is a JSON column. Sample content:


I am using to provide JSON data within entities.

To change AppBundle to App, I used:

dev=# UPDATE asset SET custom_attributes= REPLACE(custom_attributes::TEXT,'AppBundle','App')::json;
dev=# UPDATE model SET custom_attributes= REPLACE(custom_attributes::TEXT,'AppBundle','App')::json;

Upgrade PHP 5.5 to PHP 7.1 on CentOS 6.9 - Recklessly

I wasn't planning to upgrade PHP today, but in order to use Symfony 4.0, I had to.

First, I wanted to get all the PHP RPMs

sudo yum list installed php55u* | grep php | cut -f1 -d' ' | tr -d '.i686' | tr "\n" ' ' | sed "s/55/71/g" > php

Next, I removed all the PHP 5.5 RPMs:

sudo yum remove php55*

Then I edited the output file (php) and added a sudo yum install at the beginning of the file

So I could use

source php

There were a few more RPMs I needed, after roaming about the web for a bit, these were the commands that I ran

sudo yum install pear1u
sudo yum install php71u-json
sudo yum install libmemcached-devel
sudo pecl install memcached

The recklessly part of this is that I confess I did not check ... anything. My existing Symfony 3.3.10 application comes up and lets me log in. I haven't checked more than that.

Good luck!

DataTables - Adding Buttons to a FixedHeader

I was using both the FixedHeader and Buttons extensions of DataTables and I needed the buttons to remain visible when the user scrolled.

The solution I chose was to move the buttons DOM into the table head.

Since the buttons are in a div and thead is part of a table, a tr is used with a td that has a colspan of the entire table.

var dtButtons = document.querySelector(".dt-buttons");
var row, cell;
row = document.createElement("tr");
cell = document.createElement("td"); = "magic-button-row";
cell.setAttribute("colspan", /*** Put the number of columns in your table here ***/);
document.querySelector("#display-table thead").insertBefore(row, document.querySelector("tr:first-of-type"));

There is a tiny bit of CSS, too.

#magic-button-row {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    text-align: left;

This post courtesy of Game Creek Video.